Toursit accomodation (anonymized number of beds)


This resource contains a zipped shapefile presenting a capacity of tourist accomodation (number of beds available) for the identified tourist lodging places in the Turks and Caicos Islands. This is the anonymized layer, names of the places have been removed, number of bed has been reclassified (see below for the description of classes): class 1: 1-2 beds class 2: 3-5 beds class 3: 6-10 beds class 4: 11-20 beds class 5: 21-50 beds class 6: 51-100 beds class 7: 101-200 beds class 8: > 200beds

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated December 13, 2022
Metadata last updated December 13, 2022
Created December 13, 2022
Format ZIP
License Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)
Allowed usersmarcin,decr,juliant,caribbeanit
On same domainTrue
Package id0bfc373f-e8e0-4707-8419-ba694cf94441
Restricted{"allowed_users": "mar*****in,dec*****cr,jul*****nt,car*****it", "level": "only_allowed_users"}
Revision id8e9979c0-df23-4b26-a905-f81d40287d2d
Size8.6 KiB
Url typeupload