The Turks and Caicos Benthic Habitat Map
The Turks and Caicos Islands benthic habitat map was created in the frame of the project conducted by the Nature Conservancy along with partners to develop detailed maps of... -
Geomorphic Map of the Turks and Caicos Islands
The Allen Coral Atlas has produced the first globally consistent geomorphic (12 zones; max. depth 15 m) mosaic maps for all shallow water tropical coral reefs (not affected by... -
Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease survey in the Turks and Caicos Islands
The dataset comprises areas that were surveyed for the presence and extent of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) throughout the Turks & Caicos Islands, and the disease... -
Modelled Total Visitation Value of Coral Reefs (per km2)
The layer comprises mapped estimates of annual visitation to coral reefs. These values are taken from the combined value of on reef values and reef adjacent values, the former... -
Modelled Total Dollar Value of Reef Tourism (per km2)
The layer comprises mapped estimates of the dollar values of coral reefs to the tourism sector. The layer comprises mapped estimates of annual visitation to coral reefs. These... -
Global Distribution of Coral Reefs
This dataset shows the global distribution of coral reefs in tropical and subtropical regions. It shows the distribution of warm-water coral reefs to date, acting as a... -
Reefs at Risk Revisited: threat from coastal development, 2011
The dataset is a high-resolution 2011 update of the original global analysis, Reefs at Risk: A Map-Based Indicator of Threats to the World’s Coral Reefs, 1998. It evaluates...