Restricted areas designated in the Turks and Caicos Protection of Historic Wr...
The dataset contains a polygon layer comprising areas designated as restricted in Section 4 of the Protection of Historic Wrecks Ordinance. Vessels lying wrecked on or in the... -
Minerals Exploration and Exploitation Designated Area
The dataset is a polygon layer comprising the minerals exploration and exploitation designated area as specified under Section 4 of the Minerals Exploration and Exploitation... -
Zones designated in the Turks and Caicos National Parks Ordinance
The dataset is a polygon layer consisting areas designed as zones within national parks, reserves, sanctuaries or areas of historical interests. These zones have been created in... -
Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease survey in the Turks and Caicos Islands
The dataset comprises areas that were surveyed for the presence and extent of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) throughout the Turks & Caicos Islands, and the disease... -
WorldClim current monthly climate data (Turks and Caicos)
WorldClim is a database of global weather and climate data and comprises data for minimum, mean, and maximum temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, wind speed, water vapor...