Existing swim zone buoys in Princess Alexandra National Park (April 2021)
The dataset comprises three shapefile layers: a polygon layer with swimming zones indicated by floating buoys, line layer comprising an approximate positon of floating buoys and... -
Hobie Cat locations in Grace Bay and Bight Beach
The dataset comprises information about the locations for Hobie Cat boat rentals in Grace Bay and Bight Beach with the number of available boats. The Hobie Cat is a small... -
Snorkelling locations in the Turks and Caicos Islands
The dataset is a point layer comprising the information about locations of beach snorkelling sites in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The data was collected in April 2021. These... -
Kiteboarding locations in the Turks and Caicos Islands
The dataset is a point layer comprising the information about locations of main kiteboarding sites in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The data was collected in April 2021. These...