Coastal habitats classification
The datased comprising classification of the coastal areas of Turks and Caicos. The dataset covers the area of land that extends between shoreline and coastline as well as from... -
Restricted areas designated in the Turks and Caicos Protection of Historic Wr...
The dataset contains a polygon layer comprising areas designated as restricted in Section 4 of the Protection of Historic Wrecks Ordinance. Vessels lying wrecked on or in the... -
Minerals Exploration and Exploitation Designated Area
The dataset is a polygon layer comprising the minerals exploration and exploitation designated area as specified under Section 4 of the Minerals Exploration and Exploitation... -
Bathymetry contour lines
The dataset comprises bathymetry contour lines derived from two sources: GEBCO 15 arc-second global grid for areas more than 20 m, and Satellite-Derived Bathymetry for areas... -
Marine Ecoregions of the World
Marine Ecoregions of the World (MEOW) comprises a biogeographic classification of the world's coasts and shelves. The ecoregions nest within the broader biogeographic tiers of... -
Zones designated in the Turks and Caicos National Parks Ordinance
The dataset is a polygon layer consisting areas designed as zones within national parks, reserves, sanctuaries or areas of historical interests. These zones have been created in... -
Swimming zones in Grand Turk, 2020
The dataset is a polygon layer with areas designed to swimming within national parks in Grand Turk (Columbus Landfall Marine National Park), 2020. These zones are not included... -
Existing swim zone buoys in Princess Alexandra National Park (April 2021)
The dataset comprises three shapefile layers: a polygon layer with swimming zones indicated by floating buoys, line layer comprising an approximate positon of floating buoys and... -
Conch Visual Survey 2013
The dataserie is a set of 4 datasets comprising presence and abundance of Spiny Lobster and Queen Conch in Turks and Caicos shallow water. The presence is represented by binary... -
Protected Areas in the Turks and Caicos, 2020
The dataset is a polygon shapefile layer comprising boundaries of the protected areas in Turks and Caicos Islands with general information (name, area). It also includes the... -
Marine activities around Turks and Caicos identified by stakeholders
The dataset is a point shapefile layer presenting rough locations of marine activities identified by stakeholders during series of meetings in January and February 2020. The... -
Parasailing area in Providenciales
The dataset is a polygon layer comprising the area on the north side of Providenciales utilized by parasailing boats. Most of the parasailing fligths in the Turks and Caicos... -
East Harbour Lobster and Conch Reserve
The dataset is a polygon layer comprising the area defined in the Fisheries Protection Ordinance as prohibited area for taking of any lobster and conch by any means, except... -
Man made structures in the coastline of the Turks and Caicos Islands
The data comprises two datasets (polyline and polygon layer) with all the identified artificial structures in the coastilne of Turks and Caicos as of March 2020. The data can... -
Favourite places around Turks and Caicos identified by stakeholders
The dataset is a point shapefile layer presenting rough locations of favourite places identified by stakeholders during series of meetings in January and February 2020. The... -
Main species around Turks and Caicos identified by stakeholders
The dataset is a point shapefile layer presenting rough locations of main species identified by stakeholders during series of meetings in January and February 2020. The meetings... -
Vulnerabe areas around Turks and Caicos identified by stakeholders
The dataset is a point shapefile layer presenting rough locations of vulnerable areas identified by stakeholders during series of meetings in January and February 2020. The... -
The Turks and Caicos reef bank derived from Satelite-Derived Bathymetry dataset
The Turks and Caicos Reef Bank is an approximately 20 m depth contour line indicating the border between shallow water of the reef bank and the deep ocean. The data can be... -
Shoreline and land exent of Turks and Caicos, 2020
The dataset is a polygon shapefile layer with all land areas of Turks and Caicos. It comprises additional information: name of the island, area, population if applicable. The... -
Hydrography of Turks and Caicos, 2020
The dataset is a polygon shapefile layer with all the inland water bodies of Turks and Caicos. It includes freshwater ponds, salt water ponds, natural channels lagoons and other...