Historical Hurricane Tracks in the Caribbean

The dataset contains historical hurricane tracks in the Caribbean between 1851 and-2019. It comprises two shapefile layers: POINT layer with six-hourly information on the location, maximum winds, central pressure, and (beginning in 2004) size of all known tropical cyclones and subtropical cyclones; and POLYLINE layer with tracks of each hurricane. The dataset has been created using a comma-delimited file from the Atlantic hurricane database.

Raw unprocessed data is available at: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/data

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated 31 de maio de 2024, 20:22 (UTC)
Created 9 de abril de 2021, 18:39 (UTC)
Region TC
Language eng
Topic Category climate
Temporal Extent Start 1851-06-25
Temporal Extent End 2020-04-28
Dataset Reference Date 2020
Lineage The Atlantic Hurricane Database Re-analysis Project is an effort to extend and revise the National Hurricane Center's North Atlantic hurricane database. Going back to 1851 and revisiting storms in more recent years, information on tropical cyclones is revised using an enhanced collection of historical meteorological data in the context of today's scientific understanding of hurricanes and analysis techniques.
West Longitude 10
South Latitude 7.2
East Longitude -109.5
North Latitude 75.5
Spatial Reference System WGS84
Responsible Organisation Name National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Hurricane Center
Contact Mail Address www.nhc.noaa.gov/contact.shtml
Responsible Party Role resource provider, custodian, owner, distributor, originator
Access Limitations Open access
Use Constraints Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply
Resource Reference Landsea, C. W. and J. L. Franklin, 2013: Atlantic Hurricane Database Uncertainty and Presentation of a New Database Format. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 3576-3592.
Data Format shape, csv
Update Frequency as needed
Accuracy approximate
Resource Type Dataserie
Metadata Date 2021-04-10
Metadata Point of Contact mgorny@saeri.ac.fk
Contact Consent Contact details published