Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) in the Turks and Caicos Islands

The dataset comprises Key Biodiversity Area digital boundaries for the Turks and Caicos Island, version KBAsGlobal_2021_March_01, derived from the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas. The dataset has been developed by the KBA Partnership (BirdLife International, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, American Bird Conservancy, Amphibian Survival Alliance, Conservation International, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Global Environment Facility, Global Wildlife Conservation, NatureServe, Rainforest Trust, Royal Society for the Conservation of Birds, Wildlife Conservation Society and World Wildlife Fund). Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) are ‘sites that contribute to the global persistence of biodiversity.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated 1 de xullo de 2021, 12:01 (UTC)
Created 8 de abril de 2021, 19:00 (UTC)
Region TC
Language eng
Topic Category Environment; environmental resources, protection and conservation
Temporal Extent Start 2004-01-01
Temporal Extent End 2021-03-31
Dataset Reference Date 2021
Lineage KBAs are identified at the national, sub-national or regional level by local stakeholders using the Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas published by IUCN. Sites qualify as global KBAs if they meet one or more of 11 criteria, clustered into five categories: A. Threatened Biodiversity A1 Threatened Species A2 Threatened Ecosystem Types B. Geographically Restricted Biodiversity B1 Individual Geographically Restricted Species B2 Co-occurring Geographically Restricted Species B3 Geographically Restricted Assemblages B4 Geographically Restricted Ecosystem Types C. Ecological Integrity D. Biological Processes D1 Demographic Aggregations D2 Ecological Refugia D3 Recruitment Sources E. Irreplaceability The KBA criteria can be applied to species and ecosystems in terrestrial, inland water and marine environments. Although not all KBA criteria may be relevant to all elements of biodiversity, the thresholds associated with each of the criteria may be applied across all taxonomic groups (other than micro-organisms) and ecosystems.
West Longitude -72.32793
South Latitude 21.14563
East Longitude -71.07672
North Latitude 21.95451
Spatial Reference System WGS84
Responsible Organisation Name Hidden (personal data protection)
Contact Mail Address Hidden (personal data protection)
Responsible Party Role Hidden (personal data protection)
Access Limitations Restricted, send data request to data owner
Use Constraints Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply
Resource Reference BirdLife International (2021) World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas. Developed by the KBA Partnership: BirdLife International, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, American Bird Conservancy, Amphibian Survival Alliance, Conservation International, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Global Environment Facility, Global Wildlife Conservation, NatureServe, Rainforest Trust, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Wildlife Conservation Society and World Wildlife Fund. March 2021 version. Available at
Data Format shape
Update Frequency annually
Accuracy varies depending on the source
Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date 2021-04-20
Metadata Point of Contact Hidden (personal data protection)
Contact Consent Contact details hidden