The Turks and Caicos Benthic Habitat Map

The Turks and Caicos Islands benthic habitat map was created in the frame of the project conducted by the Nature Conservancy along with partners to develop detailed maps of important shallow underwater habitats throughout the entire Caribbean, including all shallow water coral reefs. The dataset comprises the classification of benthic habitats for the Turks and Caicos Island shallow water areas.

The data is available from the Nature Conservancy at:

The data can be visualised at:



最終更新 2月 6, 2025, 13:32 (UTC)
作成日 12月 10, 2020, 14:57 (UTC)
Region TC
言語 eng
Topic Category Biota; flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Temporal Extent Start 2018-01-01
Temporal Extent End 2019-12-31
Dataset Reference Date 2020
Lineage The benthic habitat maps were created using high-resolution satellite images, and in some places using aerial fly-over technology, drones, and divers to dig deeper and validate the data. The main source of the images was the Planet Labs Inc. Dove satellites with the resolution of 4 meters. The final classification of the habitats was done by TNC scientists, in partnership with the Arizona State University Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science (ASU GDCS).
West Longitude -8069457.8531
South Latitude 2396637.8516
East Longitude -7897321.8531
North Latitude 2509441.8516
Spatial Reference System WGS84 / Pseudo-Mercator (3857)
Responsible Organisation Name The Nature Conservancy
Contact Mail Address
Responsible Party Role resource provider, custodian, owner, distributor, originator, point of contact, processor, publisher, author
Access Limitations Restricted, send data request to point of contact
Use Constraints Restricted, but open subject to limitations and prior agreement with responsible organisation. Copyright must be cited
Resource Reference Citation: (Publication in progress) Schill, S. R., Pollock, F. J., Lüthje, F., Li, J., Knapp, D., Kington, J., McDonald, T., McNulty, V. P., Escovar-Fadul, X., and Asner, G. Caribbean shallow benthic habitat maps from Dove satellite imagery for conservation and marine planning.
Data Format shape, tiff
Update Frequency unknown
Accuracy 4 meters
Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date 2020-12-10
Metadata Point of Contact
Contact Consent Contact details published