Lobster Morphometrics database 2004-2021

Morphometric data for lobster sampled across landing sites within Caicos Bank over the period August 2004-March 2021



最終更新 1月 31, 2022, 17:23 (UTC)
作成日 9月 15, 2021, 17:34 (UTC)
Region TC
言語 eng
Topic Category Economy; economic activities, conditions and employment
Temporal Extent Start 2004
Temporal Extent End 2021
Dataset Reference Date 2021
Lineage Data was obtained via continous weekly sampling of incoming landings at the various processing plant facilities within the Caicos Bank. Samples were retrieved from any active commercial vessel while process facilities collected catch. Morphometrics captured include gender, carapace length [mm], total weight [g], maturity, breeding, human manipulation, total catch, effort, location
West Longitude -72.6
South Latitude 21
East Longitude -71.25
North Latitude 22
Spatial Reference System WGS84
Responsible Organisation Name Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources Management, Department of Environment and Coastal Resources
Contact Mail Address klockhart@gov.tc
Responsible Party Role resource provider, custodian, user, owner, point of contact
Access Limitations Restricted, data environmentally sensitive
Use Constraints Restricted
Data Format shape, excel, csv
Update Frequency continual
Accuracy 0.05 degree (approx 5 km)
Resource Type Dataseries
Metadata Date 2021-09-13
Metadata Point of Contact DFMRM
Contact Consent Contact details published