Restricted areas designated in the Turks and Caicos Protection of Historic Wr...
The dataset contains a polygon layer comprising areas designated as restricted in Section 4 of the Protection of Historic Wrecks Ordinance. Vessels lying wrecked on or in the... -
Zones designated in the Turks and Caicos National Parks Ordinance
The dataset is a polygon layer consisting areas designed as zones within national parks, reserves, sanctuaries or areas of historical interests. These zones have been created in... -
The National Beach Access Policy
The public beach access are designated under the law for the use and enjoyment for the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. These beaches are governed by beach licences... -
East Harbour Lobster and Conch Reserve
The dataset is a polygon layer comprising the area defined in the Fisheries Protection Ordinance as prohibited area for taking of any lobster and conch by any means, except...