Restricted areas designated in the Turks and Caicos Protection of Historic Wr...
The dataset contains a polygon layer comprising areas designated as restricted in Section 4 of the Protection of Historic Wrecks Ordinance. Vessels lying wrecked on or in the... -
Minerals Exploration and Exploitation Designated Area
The dataset is a polygon layer comprising the minerals exploration and exploitation designated area as specified under Section 4 of the Minerals Exploration and Exploitation... -
Fishing License Register 2020-21
A full register of fishing licenses in the Turks and Caicos Islands. -
Bathymetry contour lines
The dataset comprises bathymetry contour lines derived from two sources: GEBCO 15 arc-second global grid for areas more than 20 m, and Satellite-Derived Bathymetry for areas... -
Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase Worldwide
This database represents the Maritime Boundaries of the world. The database includes five global datasets: Exclusive Economic Zones (200NM), Territorial Seas (12NM), Contiguous... -
Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) for the Turks and Caicos shallow water are...
Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) is a technique that allows to create nautical charts and bathymetric maps of shallow waters and coastal regions using satellite imagery. SDB... -
Marine Ecoregions of the World
Marine Ecoregions of the World (MEOW) comprises a biogeographic classification of the world's coasts and shelves. The ecoregions nest within the broader biogeographic tiers of... -
Historical Hurricane Tracks in the Caribbean
The dataset contains historical hurricane tracks in the Caribbean between 1851 and-2019. It comprises two shapefile layers: POINT layer with six-hourly information on the... -
Zones designated in the Turks and Caicos National Parks Ordinance
The dataset is a polygon layer consisting areas designed as zones within national parks, reserves, sanctuaries or areas of historical interests. These zones have been created in... -
The Turks and Caicos Islands Terrestrial Habitat Map (2020)
The dataset comprises a ‘living’ terrestrial habitat map for the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), used to support conservation monitoring and provide firm evidence for policy... -
Species distribution models for important species in the Turks and Caicos Isl...
The dataset comprises a series of species distribution models for important marine species in the Turks and Caicos Islands. For now, models for the following species are... -
Geomorphic Map of the Turks and Caicos Islands
The Allen Coral Atlas has produced the first globally consistent geomorphic (12 zones; max. depth 15 m) mosaic maps for all shallow water tropical coral reefs (not affected by... -
TCI Benthic Habitat Asset Register Map
Benthic habitats asset map for twelve benthic habitat assets, including their relative ecosystem service provision, in the Turks and Caicos Islands (derived... -
Finfish fishery database 2022-2023
Relational database of all fishery data collected through Dplus 153, including landings and biological data for all collected finfish species in the TCI -
The Turks and Caicos DEM elevation contour lines
The dataset comprises elevation contour lines for the Turks and Caicos Islands. The contour lines represents elevation above sea level with 1 meter step. The contour lines were... -
Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) for the Turks and Caicos shallow water are...
Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) is a technique that allows to create nautical charts and bathymetric maps of shallow waters and coastal regions using satellite imagery. This... -
DPLUS164 TCI UAV Data July 2022
Orthomosaic imagery from the Turks and Caicos Islands, with processing reports -
Seabed morphology worldwide
The shape files representing abyss, basins, bridges, canyons, escarpments, fans, glacial troughs, guyots, hadal, plateaux, ridges, rift valleys, rises, seamounts, shelf, slope,... -
Turks and Caicos Islands ASM August 2021
Asset Service Matrix developed through a comprehensive review of literature available in 2021; on species, activities and habitats within the Caribbean marine region, with a... -
Scalefish morphometrics database 2004-2016
Morphometric data for scalefish sampled across landing sites within Caicos Bank over the period 2004-2016