Species distribution models for important species in the Turks and Caicos Isl...
The dataset comprises a series of species distribution models for important marine species in the Turks and Caicos Islands. For now, models for the following species are... -
South Caicos fish species presence survey July-August 2007
The dataset comprises results of the fish presence survey conducted at 152-transects in 12-sites around South Caicos between 24th July and-3rd August 2007. The fish species... -
Species presence grid for the Turks and Caicos Islands
The species distribution grid is a dataset comprising information about confirmed presence of various species of fish, birds, mammals, reptiles and other animals in and around... -
South Caicos barracuda survey March 2004 - November 2005
The dataset comprises results of the Great Barracuda survey conducted around South Caicos between 7th March 2004 and-6th November 2005. The barracuda presence together with... -
Likelihood and range data for conch and lobster in the Turks and Caicos Islan...
The datasets were prepared in frame of the project: "Integrating Local Knowledge and Spatial Information Technologies for Marine Species Management: A Case Study in the Turks... -
Conch Visual Survey 2013
The dataserie is a set of 4 datasets comprising presence and abundance of Spiny Lobster and Queen Conch in Turks and Caicos shallow water. The presence is represented by binary...